Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Hey, Im back blogging after enjoying a nice relaxing weekend. I hope all of you that like to celebrate Mothers Day also had a great day.
I woke up Sunday morning, first to this: Then to these:

And then my fav breakfast~ chocolate chip pancakes! Here is my huge one covering my whole plate~

And here are some for everyone else~hee hee!

We also had bacon, and little sausages. I didnt get a photo of those though. What a great hubby I have. And he cleans up the mess too!!

But what makes my eyes tear most of all, is the 3 awesome reasons that allow me to wear the name Mother. My 3 gorgeous children. I am so proud of each and every one of them. Precious gifts from God and for that I am grateful.

Here are 2 of my gifts, my other son lives in NY.

These guys bring me nothing but pure joy~

A perfect little family is what I have.

Many thanks for stopping by...

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