This past weekend, Bob, Michael, TT and I were invited out to dinner by my Mother in Law. She is a member of the Marianist Community, and was in North Carolina to attend an executive board meeting at The Christian Family Living Center in Topsail, NC. This is about 1 1/2 hours north of where we live. She lives in New York, so tries to get together with us when possible after her duties are fulfilled.
We went to a wonderful restaurant right in Topsail that serves great American fare. It has many seafood dishes, as it is right on the beach. That is what most people ate, but as TT and I dont like seafood, we each had a sirloin steak. Mine was served with a goat cheese herbed butter on top. Yummm!!!!!
Here is Michael hamming it up for the camera with his Grandma Carol.

Here we all are after dinner with smiling faces and full bellies~ I wish our oldest son Stephen could be with us more, but that is difficult as he lives in NYC.
By the way, did I metion that I tried Alligator Tail, which was one of the appetizers. This is quite a feat for me, as I am pretty picky as far as what I will eat. It tasted like a chickeny-pork type of white meat, but it was pretty chewy. I think I'll pass on that next time. The cajun batter it was in was good though.
This is actually my first husbands' (who passed away years ago) mother, but I will always call her my Mother In Law. I am very grateful that we still get to spend time with her and that she and my husband Bob get along so well.

One last shot of Michael and Bob before we left for the evening.
Many thanks for stopping by~