A very happy Mothers Day to all my readers out there!
I love this day~ I like to relax and just spend time with my loved ones. Just wished all of them lived close by.
We usually go out to breakfast and then do something fun. Last year we went strawberry picking. Perhaps we will do the same this year.
I have the most wonderful Mother, and I try to follow her lead by being a great Mother. Here are my most precious gifts ever, my children ~ Stephen, Michael and Theresa Lauren.

And below is a poem of sorts that holds so much meaning for me. After having 2 healthy little boys at home, I was suddenly thrown into a world of despair when I got the unexpected Diagnosis of Down Syndrome for my precious little newborn girl. I was totally unprepared for this and was being told such terrible things from the so called professionals at the childrens hospital where she was. I was in a tailspin.
After much worrying, reading, talking , and self reflection, we chose to ignore these people and become the best parents we knew how to be for this gift from God. She deserved this and so much more.
Fast forward 16 years and we are a blissfully happy family. She is the light of our lives and we are so proud of her every accomplishment. She is so much more of a regular teenager than a "diagnosis".
Where I first was asking "Why me God?" , I now say "Thank you God for choosing and entrusting me to be the Mom of one of your most special of angels" I have tears as I write this.

Again Happy Mothers Day to all Moms out there!
And to my wonderful sons and precious daughter, Thank You for allowing me to be able to celebrate the best holiday in the world~ I love you guys~