As many of you know, one of my favorite things to do is go yard-saleing on Saturday mornings. Since we live in a warmer climate, the sales usually start in full force in March, and go until Thanksgiving. Typically, My husband and I start out bright and early and are home by 10:00. We usually dont need to spend much money, so we have maybe $20.00. If it happens to be a bad sale day, we go out to breakfast with that money. There is a great little place by us that we love to go to and get French Toast for me, and Omlettes for Hubby.
Yesterday was a good sale day. The photo below was from one sale and the whole thing only cost $2.00!!!! Isnt that awesome? I got 2 really pretty shabby chic throw pillows, a t-shirt and pair of jeans for my daughter, a like new book about jewelry making, an adorable cable car souvenir toothpick holder, a bible tin to alter (it has beads inside) an afgan throw and a Longaberger lookalike basket. For $2.00!!!!!!!

Isnt the fabric pretty on the pillow? And the afgan is very soft.

My fav from this pile of stuff~ How cute is this little cable car?? Who cares if I've never been to San Francisco? LOL! I love the pastel colors and it will look nice in its new home on my kitchen table.

My next stop netted me these goodies.
A painted wine glass for 50 cents. Nice to use outside, I wont freak when it breaks.
A pyrex 2 cup measuring cup, seeing that I broke our other one.
A flat long basket for 50 cents. I think I will use that at my craft shows.
A comfy pair of slippers- they look like Dorothys dress form W of Oz.
And a real find- travel toilet paper for 10 cents! You dont want to ever run out of that stuff~ haha.

Many thanks for stopping by...
Enjoy the rest of your weekend~
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